Why your SME needs an phone answering service in 2019

Do you have a telephone answering service for your small or medium-sized enterprise (SME)? If you don’t have one of these services in place already, you may well be considering implementing one in 2019. Often one of the top reasons companies will look at having a telephone answering service is in relation to cutting costs. […]
Why you’ll never go back after you start using an out of hours telephone services

If you run a business, regardless of size or for how long you’ve been established, we believe that you could benefit from out of hours telephone answering facilities. Firstly, most business owners will want to accommodate both their clients and their staff, in the most effective way possible. They will also want to maximise sales […]
Future-proof your business by keeping these top tips in mind for 2019!

Whether your business trades from a high street store, an online platform or if you provide a service through any other channel, you’ll want to ensure you’re not left behind the times. By keeping these 5 top tips in mind as we move into 2019 you’ll be able to ensure that your business stays on […]
Why You Should Start a Remote Business

Starting your own business can be a daunting process. Over a third of people say they don’t know where to start when they go it alone. A substantial number of aspiring entrepreneurs aren’t confident that their grasp of modern business technology is good enough for them to be able to start their own business. We’ve […]
Christmas cover for your business

Bonfire night has passed, Halloween is over. The last of the drooping jack-o-lanterns have been chucked, unceremoniously, in the bin. Next stop, Christmas. We all know that Christmas can be a highly stressful time for businesses, and it can be especially tricky to maintain continuity with your customer service and call answering. As a business […]
Top tips for streamlining your company’s customer service

Good customer service has always been hugely important for businesses to be successful. In the world of instant messaging 24/7, where timezones mean very little, it’s more important than ever. Good customer service can be the difference between a long and happy business relationship and a damning online review. By streamlining your company’s customer service, […]
How a call answering service will benefit your small business

When a customer – or potential customer – calls a business, it’s because their query is too urgent for email or other channels of communication. Or, it might be because they are looking for a more personal response. Either way, if someone calls your business, you will want to ensure their query is dealt with […]
Staying motivated in work when the nights start drawing in

Summer has come to an end, the nights are drawing in and the weather is getting colder. If only we could go into hibernation. However, the show must go on! How can you keep yourself motivated and productive in your work during the winter months? In this blog we are going to highlight just a […]
3 ways to keep your employees happy in the workplace

Running a successful business isn’t just about making sales and keeping your customers happy. It’s also important to ensure that your workforce, the people most important to your company, are comfortable in their work environment. Your employees form the pillars of your brand; without them, you’ll struggle to keep your business running smoothly and your […]
5 signs you might be too busy

Being busy isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but being “too” busy can often be unsustainable. Being too busy can lead to feeling overwhelmed, exhaustion and lower productivity in the long run. Here are our 5 top signs that you might be too busy: You can’t remember the last time you took a day off […]